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S.R. Dental has in house opg facility i.e. full mouth xray

What is an OPG?

X-rays use radiation to take pictures of bones and other parts inside the body. An OPG is a panoramic X-ray of the upper and lower jaws, including the teeth. The OPG unit is specifically designed to rotate around the patient’s head during the scan. An OPG will take approximately 20 seconds.

An OPG can be used to look for

  • Fractures.
  • Dislocated jaw.
  • Infection.
  • Dentition (teeth).
  • It can also be used for surgical planning.
  • When will I get the results?

    The amount of time it takes for you to get your results will differ depending on where you get your scans done. The medical imaging doctor will look at the images and issue a report. The images may be on a CD or on a computer